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Paper Title |
Wednesday 26 August 2009 |
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Measuring the impact of work-life initiatives: the development and validation of the Work-Life Impact Scale
Anne Bardoel, Monash University, AUSTRALIA, Annie De Cieri,Monash University, Tracey Shea,Monash University |
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The Labour Market Participation of Mothers - Understanding the Role of Occupational Norms
Tanya Carney, Australian School of Business, AUSTRALIA, |
24 |
“Too much of one and less of the other”: Young British and Asian Future Labour Market Entrants Making Sense of ‘Work-Life Balance’
Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, Middlesex University Business School, UNITED KINGDOM, Paul Lewis,Middlesex University Business School, |
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The Effect of Work-Life Balance Policies on Women Employees Turnover: Evidence from Japanese Firm-Level Panel Data
Hui-Yu Chiang, Osaka University, JAPAN, |
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Title: Emerging jurisprudence on the labour law protection for undocumented migrant workers in South Africa: Lessons for other countries
Wabo Dieudonne Coffie, Ciclass, SOUTH AFRICA, |
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European Work-Family Life Balance Perspective
Siyami Alp Limoncuoglu, Izmir University of Economics, TURKEY, Candice Harris Harcar,Izmir University of Economics |
Thursday 27 August 2009 |
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Discourse Practice Gaps in Work Life Balance: Comparative Case Studies in the Australian Construction Industry.
Paula McDonald, Queensland University of Technology, AUSTRALIA, Keith Townsend,Griffith University, Abby Cathcart,Queensland University of Technology, |
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Co-regulating Gender and Diversity-oriented Human Resources Management: the Potential of International Framework Agreements
Katharina Schiederig, Free University of Berlin, GERMANY, |
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Tytti Solankallio, University of Jyvaskyla, FINLAND, |
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What Causes Employees to Use Work-Life Balance Programs: the Role of Culture, Delegation, High Performance Work Systems, and Communication
Jing Wang, Saint Mary's University, CANADA, |
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The Role of Collective and Individual Voice on Employee Experiences with||Work-life Flexibility Policies and Practices in the United States
Peter Berg, Michigan State University, USA, Ellen
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Work and family in the context of community and the wider society
Kennedy Bridge, Centre For Work + Life - UniSA, AUSTRALIA, Barbara Pocock,